Friday, April 17, 2015

City Profile: Yendi

Today, we are going to talk about the Northern Regional City of Yendi. Yendi is called Yeni or Naya (Naa-Ya: meaning hometown of the King).

It's one of the Northern Region's big cities. It is the seat of the King of Dagbon who goes by the title Yaa-Naa (King of Strength, some say).

This is a Dagomba household in Yendi in 1957. #Family #FlashbackFriday #GhanaHeritage

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In 2012, the recorded settlement population of Yendi was 52,008.
The red star indicates the location of Yendi on the map.

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Yendi, in the late 90s, was described as the biggest village in West Africa.

Fun Fact
The Greenwich Meridian does not only pass through Tema, it passes through Yendi, the seat of the Paramount Chief of Dagbon.

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This photo shows where the Greenwich Meridian passes through in #Yendi (just by the Yaa-Naa's Palace).