4th December, 2015.
Experiencing the Northern Region of Ghana through individual stories
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Suwera Esther |
Follow her at @missy_xta
Curator's Tweets
Hello everyone! Its National Farmers Day in Ghana and I'm glad to be your curator for today. #CurateTamale
I'm Suwera Esther, just completed Uni and i love food and comics! You can also follow me at @missy_xta . lets get interactive! #TamaleCurate
Its going to be a long journey through the Savannah with me today but don't worry, you won't get bored. #TamaleCurate
I grew up in Tamale and im pretty sure i know the city well enough to educate you. All questions and suggestions are welcome. #TamaleCurate
The weather is sunny but cold this morning with 25°C. The grasses are getting dry. #TamaleCurate

It's National Farmer's Day and the program is being held in Bolgatanga, the Upper East Region. #TamaleCurate
Abt1.2 million pple, representing 5% of Gh’s population are food insecure. 34% in UW, UE with15% and Northern region with10% #TamaleCurate
Throughout the country, about 2 million people are vulnerable to become food insecure. #TamaleCurate
For the past years MoFA has embarked on various Food Security programmes in collaboration with NGOs in the Northern Region of Ghana.
The harmattan winds occurs during the months of Dec to early Feb, have considerable effect on the temperatures in the region. #TamaleCurate
Temperatures may vary between 14°C at night and 40°C during the day #TamaleCurate
Humidity is very low, mitigates the effect of the daytime heat during Dec to January. #TamaleCurate
There is going to be a pool party at Bigiza Hotel tomorrow. Don't miss out! #TamaleCurate
The main industrial activity in the North.
Region is Agriculture 70.9% comprising largely of farming, animal husbandry, hunting and forestry
There is very limited manufacturing (7.1%) in the region. #TamaleCurate
Wholesale and Retail Trading also accounts for only (7.5%) of all industrial activity. #TamaleCurate
Rice Farmers in Tamale worry about the increase in post-harvest losses. #TamaleCurate
Only about (0.7%) of the population are engaged in mining and quarrying activities. #TamaleCurate
Other enterprises in the industry sector, such as Fishing, Hotels, Comm, Health and Education comprise 10% of the total industrial activity
The proportion of the population in Agriculture is smallest in the Tamale municipality (31.3%). #TamaleCurate
In the other districts, the figure ranges between 62.2 per cent in Savelugu-Nanton to 87.2 per cent Zabzugu-Tatale. #TamaleCurate
The harsh climate constitutes a limiting factor on the region’s ability to attract both resources and human capital. #CurateTamale
Industrial activity is relatively low, with the bulk of the working population engaged in Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry. #CurateTamale
Send-Ghana has established a silo warehouse for the pple of Nanumba South district to improve storage-produce by the community’s farmers.
The dryland savannah zone of the Northern region of Ghana occupies 40% of the country.

It is comprising sub-humid to semi-arid guinea and sudan savannah. #CurateTamale
Although there are many constraints to farming, there are considerable opportunities too. #CurateTamale
There are also considerable farming opportunities in the form of extensive grassland for livestock and arable farming. #CurateTamale
Rich indigenous agroecological knowledge underpins the diversified farming systems involvin the hoe and other low-external-input technology.
Main system of farming was shifting cultivation #CurateTamale
which involves the intermixing of the drought resistant principal crops, millet and guinea corn with yam, pulses, vegetables and other crops
To minimise soil erosion, maintain ecological stability, optimise utilisation of the different soil nutrients and a balanced diet. #Tamale
This migratory farming system is now modified into the more sedentary bush fallow and compound farming systems. #CurateTamale
Happy Farmers!☺☺

We have them here in abundance. #CurateTamale

Lets call it a day. It was a nice experience curating today. Hope it was educative and fun! I'm Esther and you can follow me on @missy_xta
To be a curator or if you want to visit the region you can contact us through email or Dm us. Email: tamalenorthernregion@gmail.com
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